Wednesday, 6 November 2013

6th graders investigate about famous explorers


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  2. Neil Alden Armstrong
    Neil Armstrong, was born in USA (august,1930-august 25 ,2012) .He was an American astronaut and the first person to walk on the Moon .He was also an aerospace engineer ,naval aviator, test pilot and university professor.
    He was participant the USAir force. Armstrong was joined the NASA astronaut corps in 1962. He was made his first space flight, as command pilot of Gemini 8.
    Armstrong was a mission commander of the Apollo 11 Moon Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the lunar surface and spent two and half hour exploring.
    Armstrong died in Cincinnati, Ohio, on august 25,2012 at the age of 82, after complications from coronary artery by pass
    Agustin Scilinguo and Nicolas Chiozza 6ºC

  3. Henry Hudson:
    Henry Hudson was born in 1565 and he died in 1611. He was an English explorer and navigator; famous for made four important trips of explorations in the Arctic Ocean.
    In 1607 he did his first trip for the company of Moscovia; and reached the coasts of Greonlandia and Svalvard and perhaps discovered the Island of Jan Mayed, making important discovered.
    And he discovert Svalbard, in 1607. For the same company, he made the second and third trip. He skirted the Nort and he sail the sea Berents to Nueva Zembla.
    He die in 1611 because his tripulation abandon him. He had a lot of monuments.

    Lucas Tejedor and Santiago Mediabilla

  4. Nikolai Mikaylovich Przhevalsky
    We choose him because he had a urban legend.
    He was a Russian geographer.
    He was interesting because was the first European to describe the only extant species of wild horses.
    Przhevalsky was born in Smolensk into a noble polonized Belarusien family, and studied there and at the military academy in St. Petersburg. In 1864, he became a geography teacher at the military school in Warsaw.
    -1870-1873 from Ryakhita he crossed the Gobi desert to Peking
    -Then explored the uppa Yangtz, and in 1872 crossed
    Into Tibot
    -1876-1877travelled trought Eastern Turkestan trought the Tian Skan range
    -1879-1880 via Hami and trought the Qaidam Basin to Lake Koko Nor
    - 1883–1885 from Kyakhta across the Gobi to Alashan and the eastern Tian Shan mountains, turning back at the Yangzi River
    Franco Abelenda

    Nahuel Esposito


  5. Well done =) but be careful:
    He was made his first space flight =/
    famous for made four important trips =/
    making important discovered. =/
    he discovert Svalbard =(
    He die in 1611 =,(

  6. Good job! But pay attention: he had a urban legend =(
